© The State of Queensland 2022
Meeting your training obligations
Permittees are responsible for ensuring all operators (including subcontractors) have completed mandatory training. Use the resources on this page to help your business stay on the right side of the regulations.
Support your workforce, protect your business
Training Information
Training requirements and support​
Training Information
Prosaw Australia delivers a range of forest industry qualifications
ForestFit delivers a training program and certification system
Training Australia is a joint initiative of Australian state and Territory governments, showing all nationally recognised training (NRT) and registered training organisations (RTOs)
Forest and Wood Products Training Package details all of Nationally Endorsed units of competency, skill sets and qualifications for the forest and timber industry
Skills Impact collaborates with industry, government and training partners to track trends in sectors such as forestry. They will be establishing a Jobs and Skills Council, Skills Insight that will deliver outcomes to support a responsive VET system and a skilled workforce
ForestWorks is an industry owned not-for-profit organisation offering services to suppor the skills development of the forest, wood, paper, timber and furnishing industries